Friday, 22 August 2014

Beyond the Foxholes Episode 18

Hello All

In act one we join Ben, Winner Dave and Adam as they chat about what they have been up to, Ben quickly chats about his FoW Korean War project and then we round out the act with an AAR from the Breakthrough Assault One Day Tournament. (sorry about the mix up at the start of the episodes...)

In act two Adam is replaced by Alex as we interview Mike Haught from Battlefront, the guys talk about Desperate Measures, Bridge at Remagen, The Great War and a few future books. (sorry the sound quality is a little off at a few points but that shouldn't ruin the experience).

In act three Adam is back as we chat about the UK tournament scene and if it is too busy and what can be done to help it, before we dive deep into Winner Dave's mail bag.
Thanks for listening


  1. Glad to hear you plan to come to a Reluctant Conscripts event next year, but be aware, we are in Nottingham, not Stafford. Junction 25 of the M1 is where you will usually find us :)

    1. Good point Alex, you will have to forgive us Southerners, once you get past London it's one big blob. Nottingham is next to Newcastle and Glasgow right? ;-)


    2. Yes, that's right :)

      If you look just to the right of 'Here be Dragons' on the map, you'll find us....

  2. "They're doing okay" screw you guys =P

    1. :-) Winner Dave's one man effort to dethrone WWPD ;-)

  3. Solid interview with Mike, dudes! I miss that fellow.

    1. He was a great guy to talk to, We'd love to get him back on again.
