Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Taking A Break!

Hello All

We're a taking a week off. We have been really busy with birthdays, tournaments, wedding plans and so on. So taking a chance to recharge our batteries, we'll be back in a week with more fun and games as normal.
Thanks Ben

Monday, 28 April 2014

WWPD Italian Campaign - New Zealand Rifle Company

Instead of a fully comprehensive review of the books this time we're bringing you some sample lists from the books, hopefully they'll inform and inspire you with these books.

New Zealand rifle company.

So how am going to approach my Italy list?

Well some considerations before I begin.

1) I like infantry lists which are mobile and can attack (so armoured transport and tanks)

2) I like combined arms (so recon, smoke, arty)

3) I want uniquely Italy book units (looking at you sherman 2a's!)

Friday, 25 April 2014

Finally Ready for Art of War....almost!

Hi Guys,

Andy Here with a quick post and some pictures of my final models for my Art of War army. As you may have noticed though the StuG in the background is still a work in progress but I still have Friday night for that!
I had to change tactic for these last platoons and did them as one big batch. Normally I really dislike doing it this way but with time running out I decided my best option was to at least get everything up to a certain standard. As it happened I had more time than I expected, which was just as well as I'd never have made it otherwise! 

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Beyond The Foxholes Episode 11

Hello All

Welcome to Beyond The Foxholes Episode 11.

We join Ben, Winner Dave and Adam as they talk all things Flames of War.

In Act 1 the guys talk about what they have been up to, talk about the new Italy books and what they are planning for the WWPD Italian campaign.

In Act 2 the guys dig deep into the mail bag (not male bag Winner) and then talk about Germans in Late War tournament play.

In Act 3 the guys round out the episode with 10.1 and a look at Mobile Battles.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Painting Walls Like Stone

Good morning,

This is a quick update on some painting I've been doing and in particular an effect I experimented with.

Flat surfaces can be a real pain to paint...there's nothing to highlight and it's difficult to not end up with a  completely flat painted surface.

In an effort to bring my painting list down to a manageable size, I thought I'd pick something quick and easy. Walls!

These are from Kerr and King (KK-023 15mm Stucco Wall set and KK-083 Stucco Wall Corner Set)

So, I set about trying to make these walls a bit more interesting by using a technique to make the surface look like stone.  Basically you hold a piece of card/wood/plastic right next to the nozzle of your airbrush at an angle.  When you spray, the paint hits the obstruction and flys off in the direction of the angle, creating a splatter.

Here are some of the results...
This is a tricky technique to repeat.  

Friday, 18 April 2014

Finnish: HMG platoon (Winter) and Jääkäri Platoon (Winter)

Hi everyone thanks once again for reading.
Bringing you more of my expanding Finnish collection, this time the HMG's and my second Jääkäri Rifle Platoon (Winter) (My first Jääkäri and the other mortars are here)

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

AAR - Mid War - Tankovy vs Panzer Company - Pincer

Hello All 

Having mostly played LW for the last couple of years myself and Adam thought it would be nice to play some MW. I had just finished my Battlefront T-34's for the Art of War and wanted to use them. Adam wanted to try out Panzer IV's when they are one of the best tanks on the battlefield. 

I got to Adam's and we rolled up Pincer both of us hadn't played Pincer for a while so it was a nice change and Adam won the dice off to attack, which he wasn't to happy with (he didn't like the idea of 10 Ambushing T-34's!).

Note:- We did not use the Winter terrain rules for this game, we just wanted the look of the winter terrain and not to slow down the game.

Panzer Company
  • HQ - 2 Panzer IV's
  • 3 Panzer IV H and 1 Panzer III M
  • 3 Panzer IV H and 1 Panzer III M
  • 2 8 Rads
  • 3 Nebs
Tankovy - Fearless Conscripts
  • HQ T-34
  • 7 T-34/76 and 3 T-34/57
  • 7 T-34/76 and 3 T-34/57
  • 10 T-60 (today being played by the T-70s)
  • 4 BA-64
  • Limited I-153

Monday, 14 April 2014

First Army, First Tournament and at this rate First Game!

Hi Guys,

Here's a quick progress update on my project to get an army together for The-Art-of-War and I have to admit this has been way harder than I had expected it to be! Don't get me wrong, I hadn't expected this to be a pushover, but equally I hadn't expected trying to stick to my plan to be so difficult either!

Anywaay first up is the army list which I plan on taking. I say plan on taking because at this point I have no idea if I'll make it in time or not and I don't have a plan B! Maybe if I'm nice to Adam I can borrow some of his Germans...

Friday, 11 April 2014

AAR - Late War - Medium Assault Gun Regiment Vs Kampfgruppe Piepier - Free For All

On my continuing effort to try and get the MSPAR to work I arranged a rematch with Cid's Kampfgrappe Pieper. His list had changed a little but in same ways this was probably better for me! 

My only problem was I had sold my PSC T-34's and my new BF ones weren't ready yet, not a massive problem as I had just finished painting 3 IS-2 and was dieing to give them a go. 

We rolled up Free For All, which was a nice change of pace for me (seem to mostly get mobile battles resently).

Medium Self Propled Artillery Regiment
  • HQ T-34/85
  • 4 SU-100's
  • 4 SU-85M's
  • 4 SU-85M's
  • 3 IS-2 + Tank Riders
  • Short MSPAR Recon
  • 4 Heavy Rockets + Extra Crew + AA
Kampfgruppe Pieper
  • HQ King Tiger
  • King Tiger
  • 3 Panthers
  • 3 Panzer IV's
  • 2 Ostwinds
  • 3 Sd Kfz 234/1 (2cm)
  • 6 Sd Kfz 251/9 D (7.5cm)

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Road to The Art of War - More Soviets!

Hello All

In a little over two weeks I'll be going to The Art of War Late War Tournament. After my poor showing at Corrivalry the Matilda Horde was out and instead I decided to use a T-34/76 tank horde using Desperate Measures. Great I thought, little to no painting needed for the tournament, a rare thing for me and tournaments as I like to change lists to keep things fresh which normally means a lot of painting. But then in an epiphany/moment of madness I decided to sell all my PSC T-34's and buy the new plastic Battlefront T-34's.
This seemed to make sense as the PSC T-34's are a bit smaller than the BF models and did look a little small petite next to each other, add to that I picked up two boxes of the plastic SU-Cat Killers and found them to be a dream to build and paint it seemed like a no brainer. So off to Ebay my old T-34's went and a few days late 4 boxes of more T-34's turned up and the building began.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Brighton: Blood in the Snow AAR

I hope you all enjoy this AAR from the Brighton event!

As far as i'm concerned this was a brilliant event and the reason everyone should attend Flames of War events! (Especially themed ones!) Sorry about some of the pics, it was dark and I was playing games whilst taking them!
The games room at the Old King and Queen with accidental glare from every light source!

At the end of March 2014 I attended, Brighton: Blood in the Snow. A mid-war eastern front event that was perfect for my first Flames of War army. This blog is a report not only of how I got on but also how good the event was… which was really well run, lots of fun and very friendly and I had some brilliant games!

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Stugs for WWPD For Vets

Hi guys

Unfortunately this year I was away on a family break over the WWPD for Vets weekend.  However I did want to do something at least.

I don't have a tonne of space, as a result I keep my toy collection as small as possible, so spares are in short supply.

However I did come across these...

Friday, 4 April 2014

Japanese Medium Sensha - Type 89 Chi-Ro

I've had these tanks knocking around ever since they were available from the shops.  In true winner Dave style I've only just gotten around to getting them painted.  That said I'm planning to stop putting pressure on myself to speed up, I'm painting at my own speed and in my own time from now on.

I know everyone's on a plastic tanks kick at the moment, but I have to say as far as resin models go, these are absolutely gorgeous.  

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

AAR – Late War - Panzer Kampfgruppe vs Canadian Armoured Recce – Cauldron

Hi everyone, 

Thought I’d bring you a nice exciting little AAR between myself and my Paul. I was feeling like trying a list I've not used in a while so took the Canadian Armoured Recce list from Market Garden (really liked the idea of having some sneaky Shermans). 

Paul was experimenting with a list from Desperate Measures, taking some veteran Panzers. We rolled up for a mission and got Cauldron with Paul as the attacker.

Canadian Armoured Recce
  • HQ with David Currie
  • 2 Shermans + 2 Fireflies
  • 2 Shermans + 2 Fireflies
  • 2 Stuarts
  • 2 Stuarts
  • Full Rifle Platoon + Ram Kangoos
  • 4 25Pdrs
Panzer Kampfgruppe
  • HQ Panzer IV
  • 4 Panzer IV's
  • 3 Panzer IV's
  • 1 King Tiger
  • 2 Ostwinds
  • Half Track Panzerspah
  • 2 Flak 88's
  • Panzer Kampfgruppe (1 Weapon Team)
  • 3 Nebs
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